आध्यात्मिक चिंतन

इस समूह मे सदस्य गण आध्यात्मिक विषयों पर चिंतन एवं स्वस्थ चर्चायें कर सकतें हैं ।



Thoughts ..

Pure and shimmering

Their eloquence rising and uplifting

Subtly pervading even subtlety

Like air, like light, or like ...


Thoughts .. repugnant or repulsive

Awaiting the end somewhere sometime

of interminable night

in painful silence

Or, in inaudible tones, even rebuking Him

Not ceasing to bewail or protest

Or refrain from putting Him to test

To this, silent is He, without response

Staying steady as ever, unaffected

This to us is seemingly strange

To Him it is

Fullness in nothingness

His imminent nature Divine

He IS 

He is Brahman

To understand Him

Or even to attempt to interpret

With body, mind, or limited intellect

Is like trying to grasp a sliver of light

Or, the fleeting wind

Perforce in my palm enclosed

Or, to follow a star in its inscrutable flight

Simple, and yet so hard ...

To know Him

I need to Know the "I"


-- Vijay Nikore

(original and unpublished)

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    Dr T R Sukul

    Certainly Sir! He cannot be understood by this unit I unless this unit I develops devotion to the Cosmic I.

    The Upanishadas say :- to know Him the "unit done I" has to be  merged in to "unit doer I" and then doer I to "existential I"  feelings and the entity witnessing this existential I feeling is "jivatma".  when this practice is perpetuated then this "jivatma " identifies "parmatma" to which you have indicated as "Brahman". Regards.
