अनिल कुमार 'अलीन'

Profile Information:

City State
बलिया उत्तर प्रदेश
Native Place
नारायनपुर, करची नारायनपुर, तहसील-बलिया, जिला-बलिया
About me
The word Anil means Prana Vayu moves towards the centre of the body. It is energy that receives things coming into the body in the form of solid, liquid, and air as well as all sensory perception and mental experiences. It works to maintain the proper temperature of the relative to one’s environment. From my childhood, I have showed inclination towards mystery of universe, spirituality and social systems. I m here to share ideas and knowledge related with individual, social, mental, universal and spiritual issues. I want to be a human that will be known for a human being and a social activist. Anil Kumar ‘Aline’, Additional program officer (MGNREGA), belongs to Ballia, UP. I have completed my graduation from Government P. G. College Obra, Sonebhadra and MBA-HR from Punjab Technical University Jalandher. I believe in honesty, discipline and punctuality. I hate making execuse. I have strong presentation skill, positive will power and analytical skills. My hobbies are composing poems, songs and playing badminton.

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    आपका इस मंच पर हार्दिक स्वागत है .सादर सस्नेह