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In its simplest definition, Sadhana is dedication to a pursuit or a goal, e.g. a student trying to excel in studies, a mother trying to give the best upbringing to her child, a seeker trying to know God.


When applied to spiritual pursuits, this dedication is of the highest order, and the person practicing it is called a Sadhak. Here, we will confine this article to Sadhana as related to spirituality.


In trying to keep it simple, I will keep defining below any new words as we come across them.


For a seeker, Sadhana itself becomes a journey, for, barring highly evolved people, we have to train ourselves on how to be dedicated. Here evolved means, those who  are well on their path to realize the Truth. The Truth means ... realizing our real nature i.e. that we are one with God.


Speaking of 'journey', it is important to remember that different people may be at a different point in their journey ( i.e. ahead of us ,or behind us), they may have different kind of obstacles, depending on their experiences of life, and for us to not look at any one with disdain or jealousy. Here, disdain refers to those who are behind us, and jealousy towards those who are ahead of us, and we need to refrain from both tendencies. It is not only important that we not criticize, but it is also good to have compassion, in stead. This kind of self-training helps us on our own path by guarding us against ego.


I said above that most of us have to train ourselves, like a good student, on how to be dedicated. The key to this training is नियम,  i.e. we have to have a set place, a set amount of time each day, and a set time on the clock to pursue our dedicated goal. In spiritual pursuit, this can mean doing formal prayer at a set time every morning and/or evening; allowing a set amount of time for spiritual reading each day; a set time for doing reflection on what we read i.e. मनन; and similarly, time  for meditation.


Typically, Sadhana requires of us, (a) giving up what is obstacle to our goal, and (b) focusing on the means to the goal.


The practice of Sadhana becomes like a building block. We succeed in achieving smaller goals through Sadhana, we get encouraged, and then we feel ready to pursue more difficult, or higher goals.

It is just like graduating from the kindergarten to primary school, then from middle school to the high school, and moving on to excel in college. 


Any Sadhana needs to be done in a spirit of worship, or in a spirit of service, for in that case our actions do not lead to bondage. Bondage, here, means any action that binds us to the repeated cycle of birth and death.


Vedanta, our Hindu philosophy, integrates duty, service and worship. We can convert any of our actions/tasks to service or worship by dedicating it to God, i.e. doing it as if what we are doing is our service to God, or our worship towards God. This is expounded by Lord Krishna in His discourse to Arjuna in Bhagwad Gita as well.


Here, we need to talk a little more about duty, for too often, we err in our definition of duty. For example, a mother's sadhana towards her child... is she doing it as a duty, as service to the child, as service to God, or as worship to God ? If she is doing it as a duty, she needs to discriminate between duty and attachment, for often we start rationalizing "attachment" by truly feeling within us that it is a "duty", e.g. I know some mothers serving/catering to their grown up sons forty or even fifty years of age, and calling it their duty, not realizing that it really is their attachment to their children. Any work, any duty, any action can be turned higher by performing it as a service/worship to God, through devotion to God and by truly offering the results to God.


Spiritual Sadhana leads to God Consciousness, i.e. knowing oneself, our true nature that we are Divine.


Upon accomplishing the goal of Sadhana we gain self-confidence and self-esteem. However, Spiritual Sadhana is the most difficult of all Sadhanas, for here the results are slow for most of us, the results are not immediate, and often they are not measurable in terms of how much progress we have made.


-- Vijay Nikore



(original and unpublished)













Views: 419

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you respected sir to explain such ardous topic in very easy words/method.
Easy to understand this article bt not so easy to have in practice.
Sir i m feeling some paradox in the sense that deffernt people may be at a defferent point of JOURNEY,in the beginning bt
at the last...often results are not measurable!
How will we know where(at which point) we are in the 'journey'?
Please tell what are the 'smaller goals' and how they can be identified?
Regards gratefully!


Respected Vandana ji:


You always ask very good questions, and this time is no exception. What I admire through your questions is that you are a 'down to earth' person, you are willing to ask, and the thirst for Divine is there.


I am sorry for the delay, but I will soon answer your questions to the best of my ability, and with as much humility as I can garner.... so help me God.


Thanks to you.




कृपया ध्यान दे...

आवश्यक सूचना:-

1-सभी सदस्यों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया मौलिक व अप्रकाशित रचना ही पोस्ट करें,पूर्व प्रकाशित रचनाओं का अनुमोदन नही किया जायेगा, रचना के अंत में "मौलिक व अप्रकाशित" लिखना अनिवार्य है । अधिक जानकारी हेतु नियम देखे

2-ओपन बुक्स ऑनलाइन परिवार यदि आपको अच्छा लगा तो अपने मित्रो और शुभचिंतको को इस परिवार से जोड़ने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक कर आमंत्रण भेजे |

3-यदि आप अपने ओ बी ओ पर विडियो, फोटो या चैट सुविधा का लाभ नहीं ले पा रहे हो तो आप अपने सिस्टम पर फ्लैश प्लयेर यहाँ क्लिक कर डाउनलोड करे और फिर रन करा दे |

4-OBO नि:शुल्क विज्ञापन योजना (अधिक जानकारी हेतु क्लिक करे)

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