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From : "WAYN" To : recipient sun disclosed Cc : "Mahesh Kumar"
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Hi, my name is Love Smile. I'm a 33 year-old Omani male, currently in Muscat, Oman
Hi dear, how r u?
Love Smile, 2011 Nov 19, 10:14
Do u like M and M relationship?
Love Smile, 2011 Nov 19, 10:17

Do u like to share the love and have a nice man to man relationship? If so please
contact me at
Love Smile, 2011 Nov 21 , 09:51
Beloved Love Smile ,
To talk without effort is, after all the great charming of talking . Thinking is talking of
soul with itself or himself.
Everybody who is in love is automatically entered in mode of sweet and smiley world .
All The physical relationships to share the conditional love between two bodies of men to
women or men to men or men or women to animal or so on can gives only momentary pleasures,
and each pleasure is balanced by pain in the same amount, in the same degree. Each pleasure is
followed by its opposite because body exists in the world of duality, just as the day is
followed by night and death is followed by life and life is followed by death. It is a vicious
circle. Your pleasure will be followed by pain, your pain will be followed by pleasure.

It simply means that Love & Sex is not stupid, you are stupid! It is because of you that poor
sex also becomes stupid. And you will never know unless you rise a little higher. Unless you
become a little more alert, you will not see the stupidity. You can’t see it remaining on the
same level – nobody can see it. Go to the madhouse, ask any madman, ”Are you mad?” He will be
mad at you! But no madman will accept that he is mad. He will say, ”What are you talking
about? The whole world is mad except me. I am perfectly sane.”
Just stand very close to the mirror, your nose touching the mirror, and you will not be able
to see your own face. That is not the fault of the mirror. You have to give it a little space,
then the mirror can reflect you. You are too close. Sex seems to be the greatest obsession.
The priests have to be given all credit for it. For centuries they have been condemning sex as
sin and they have made it an obsession
Mr. Love Smile 33 years old from Muscat , Oman have not to declare himself homosexual because
in gulf countries to declare homosexual is inviting great problem in it!
And in fact homosexuality is a by-product of the monasteries; it is a religious phenomenon. It
is truly very religious because in monasteries you have gathered men in one place; no woman
can enter there. Women you have gathered in another place; no man can enter there. You have
created the situation for homosexuality.
Monks in these monasteries were the first homosexuals in the world. Women in these nunneries
were the first lesbians in the world. And these people are worried about ordaining ... that if
a homosexual is ordained.... And why suddenly? - Because ten years ago the same sect had
declared that everybody is equally acceptable. Anybody who wanted to be ordained as a priest
had the right to be ordained as a priest; they forgot to exclude homosexuals. But now after
ten years they recognized that some amendment is needed.
You can see Roman sculpture - naked men, pornographic. And why naked men - because Romans were
homosexuals; they thought the woman was not beautiful. The male, the athletic male, was
thought to be the pinnacle of beauty; hence, you will not find in Roman sculpture women
represented at all.
The same was the case in Greece. And you will be surprised that even people like Socrates,
Plato, Aristotle, were all homosexuals. Homosexuality was thought to be a refinement, a more
cultured thing because heterosexuality exists in animals that are nothing special. The logic
is perfect: All animals are heterosexuals, so what is great in it?
Question is significant: why has it happened that there was a time, thousand years ago in
the East, when science reached to its highest peaks - then what happened? Why in the East was
that whole project dropped?
I was reading a news story that one Christian sect has decided that anybody who declares
himself a homosexual should not be initiated as a priest. Now what does it mean?
Now these men are not idiots. They will find some way for their biological urge to be
fulfilled. That is simple intelligence: if you can't have one thing to eat you will have to
eat something else, you will have to find something. If you can't have a woman, then what are
you supposed to do? You will have a man. If you are a woman and you can't have a man, then you
will have a woman.
In fact if you go deep down in your judgments you will see, at the moment you say that someone
is beautiful, deep down you want to possess. When you say someone is ugly, deep down you don't
want to have anything to do with that person. Your "ugly," your "beauty," are really your
desires for or against.

Sex has nothing to do with your enlightenment. Love has nothing to do with your enlightenment.
It is in fact going to help you because it will make you more natural. Be natural and don't
cultivate any abnormalities, and you will be closer to God.
Hence I am not against sex, I am not against anything. I am only against unnatural attitudes,
perverted attitudes. Be natural and normal, and allow God to flow though you. He will take
you. His river is already moving towards the sea. Don't try to swim upstream, don't try to
push the river. Go with the river. That's what surrender is, and Meditate on your sexuality.
See it through and through. Let it become transparent. And the first thing needed is -- at
least make your sexuality normal. Let it be sex. Don't think in terms of grabbing. Be a little
more romantic. Don't be so aggressive and violent. Be a little more poetic about life, and a
little more graceful.
First let your sexuality come to a normal point of sex, and then let your sex follow your
love. Never put your sex before love. Love should be the driving force and sex should follow
it. And once you have done this much, you are on the right track. Soon you will realize that
whatsoever you have been calling your essential self was your repressed self. And once that
repressed self is dispersed, eliminated, and you have become natural, healthy, whole, then
your essential self will come for the first time into your vision. The essential self is your
innermost god. The essential self is what truth is. The essential self is no-self.
With Divine Love ,
Mahesh Kumar Suneja or Mr. Ocean , Dubai , U.A.E. on 22
November 2011

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Views: 229

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आवश्यक सूचना:-

1-सभी सदस्यों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया मौलिक व अप्रकाशित रचना ही पोस्ट करें,पूर्व प्रकाशित रचनाओं का अनुमोदन नही किया जायेगा, रचना के अंत में "मौलिक व अप्रकाशित" लिखना अनिवार्य है । अधिक जानकारी हेतु नियम देखे

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3-यदि आप अपने ओ बी ओ पर विडियो, फोटो या चैट सुविधा का लाभ नहीं ले पा रहे हो तो आप अपने सिस्टम पर फ्लैश प्लयेर यहाँ क्लिक कर डाउनलोड करे और फिर रन करा दे |

4-OBO नि:शुल्क विज्ञापन योजना (अधिक जानकारी हेतु क्लिक करे)

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