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(Journey from melancholy to hope)




it is not that you left

to take a different course;

it is the way you left

leaving no recourse.


It all was so very sudden,

no complaint, no explanation;

the door to subtle emotions

was shut closed,

locked, with no outlet, for me,

for the key is still with you.

And all this while I was asleep

enjoying my state of 'deep sleep',*

for life was, indeed, beautiful

..... till then!


I opened my eyes as if to see

millions and millions of molecules

of darkness packed tight,

blinding beyond blindness can be,

while you held the control

and you had the key,

awareness of it coalescing deep,

and the cloud of dormant darkness ..

helplessness moving nowhere,

for there is nowhere for it to move.


And yet I turn my mind's eye inwards,

reminding myself of my true spiritual nature;

the incandescence of the sheer bliss I knew

in my purest of pure moments with you,

when communicating with you I felt I was THAT,

and you, too, knew I was the bliss that I still AM.

Sure I need to rub my dilated aching eyes

and see the shimmering resplendent light

beyond this seemingly permanent dark night,

His divine grace unfolding... heavenly joy again.


It is That advancing continuous joy that speaks,

we may not be the same friends today;

but the day you know you need a 'friend',

know it well that you still have a friend ... in me.

Genuine as I can be, this is not a crafted courtesy.


                                                        -- Vijay Nikore

                                                            May 18, 2013


* Deep sleep is the first introduction to what Bliss is like,

  per Vedanta philosophy.

Views: 753

Replies to This Discussion

And yet I turn my mind's eye inwards,
reminding myself of my true spiritual nature;
the incandescence of the sheer bliss I knew
in my purest of pure moments with you,
when communicating with you I felt I was THAT,
and you, too, knew I was the bliss that I still AM;

Wonderful ! 

In deed, the self-realization is the key to understand the truest form of existence of 'I' that certainly includes the entire cosmos within and that consists of the 'friend' too.  In this light, it keeps a reader glued how this piece reads further in terms of realization where personal 'sorrows' are not so important..!

Very nicely gleaned words that makes reading comfortable and an experience.

Thanks for interpreting 'Deep sleep' that is never a shutting off process from the present but keeping a man always aware even during the state of godly ecstasy, i.e. bliss. 

Again-again thanks for this piece, Respected Vijay jee.

Dear and respected Saurabh jee:

With what emotion shall I thank you for your appreciation of my heartfelt muse !

Your words are very special for they reaffirm my conviction that, in writing, above

all, my expressions need  to be honest to myself.


With deep regards,

Vijay Nikore


Respected Vijay Nikore Ji,

This expression is indeed heart touching as it has a voice of one's unmanipulated feelings and experiences.

Its so beautifully and lively if a true story in a motion picture.

The pain of unanswered separation and helplessness is oozing out.

And yet I turn my mind's eye inwards,

reminding myself of my true spiritual nature;

the incandescence of the sheer bliss I knew

in my purest of pure moments with you,..............wonderful!! wonderfully expressed!!

Sure I need to rub my dilated aching eyes

and see the shimmering resplendent light

beyond this seemingly permanent dark night,

His divine grace unfolding... heavenly joy again...........  :)) and there is no end to divine grace and bliss and it must be unconditional.

Sometimes friends do come in life for a divine purpose, and once that purpose is solved the reasons arise for dissolution of particular must never be adhered and attached to the BOAT which is meant for crossing the ocean..

Now, as far as poetic expression is concerned, you always write in free verse. Your ink has an immense syllabic poetic potential... do read and learn some systematic poetic styles and try  shaping your expressions to their strengthening boundaries.

Best wishes.

Dr. Prachi


Respected Prachi ji:

Thank you for giving expression to so much that could not be said in the poem.


//This expression is indeed heart touching as it has a voice of one's unmanipulated feelings and experiences.

Its so beautifully and lively if a true story in a motion picture.

The pain of unanswered separation and helplessness is oozing out.//

Thank you for feeling the sentiments of my poem.


Thank you !





Sooo touching venerable sir...
How u play with words, and chisel them in ur own sense, is really amazing!
Sir ur SPIRITUALITY echoes that spirit of language,spirit of literature,spirit of feelings and spirit of Vedanta/Sprituality all many SPIRITS are living in You.
Sir how can be able to aploud such Elite thoghts,bt i come here(to comment on ur witty verse/कविता) only to enrich my SELF...
with thanks n cardial regards!

Respected Vandana ji:


It is so very generous of you to shower your kind blessings on this poem.


May I share it with you ... that I never feel that I write any poem ... I feel as if

the thoughts are His, the words are His, the twists in expressions are His, for

I can never write the same poem exactly the same again. He is the Doer,

and He is the goal. What can I say of Him who is everything in my(HIS) life.


I thank you from the core of my heart ... I hope I will keep earning your regard.





Respected Prachi ji:

Thank you for honoring this poem by putting it in your 'likes'.




कृपया ध्यान दे...

आवश्यक सूचना:-

1-सभी सदस्यों से अनुरोध है कि कृपया मौलिक व अप्रकाशित रचना ही पोस्ट करें,पूर्व प्रकाशित रचनाओं का अनुमोदन नही किया जायेगा, रचना के अंत में "मौलिक व अप्रकाशित" लिखना अनिवार्य है । अधिक जानकारी हेतु नियम देखे

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3-यदि आप अपने ओ बी ओ पर विडियो, फोटो या चैट सुविधा का लाभ नहीं ले पा रहे हो तो आप अपने सिस्टम पर फ्लैश प्लयेर यहाँ क्लिक कर डाउनलोड करे और फिर रन करा दे |

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