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Every woman dreams of meeting that special man that knows how to fulfill her heart’s romantic desires. Speaking of that special someone; is your special someone a lover or just an average Joe? No pun intended if your guy’s name is Joe. This article will outline the 27 characteristics of a loving man. If your man is one of them, then you must do all that you can to make sure he does not slip through your fingers. However, if he falls in the average Joe category, then help him by telling him what he ought to be doing to make you happy. If he isn’t even willing to try to make some changes in the way he is treating you, then you may want to make some changes in order to get the love you deserve. By the way, make sure you share this article with all your friends. They deserve to know the 27 characteristics of loving men.

Without wasting more time, here are the 27 characteristics of loving men. A man who truly loves you:

1.Always calls you to find out how you day is going.

2.Will feel terrible when he forgets your birthday or anniversary and will always make it up to you.

3.Surprises you with gifts, even when the occasion is not special.

4.Tells you regularly that he loves you.

5.Knows how to make love to you.

6.Knows how to caress, hug, kiss and fulfill your heart’s romantic desires.

7.Feels your pain when you go through hard times.

8.Loves to see you happy and rejoices with you.

9.Always makes quality time to spend with you.

10.Will never physically or emotionally abuse you.

11.Will marry you without waiting too long.

12.Will forgive and forget when you apologize for hurting his feelings.

13.Will not use your weaknesses or secrets against you.

14.Will not air your dirty laundry.

15.Is patient and willing to work on your relationship problems.

16.Knows that it is important for you to spend time with your friends and family members.

17.Will not cheat on you.

18.Will not flirt with your girlfriends to the point of annoying you.

19.Will not go out of his way to make you jealous.

20.Will always respect you in the presence of his friends and family members.

21.Always helps you with chores around the house.

22.Enjoys the company of your family and friends.

23.Supports your dreams and ambitions.

24.Never puts you down when talking to you.

25.Cares a great deal about your thoughts, feelings and opinions.

26.Is always available to help when you need him.

27.Knows that his way is not the only way.

If your man has all these characteristics, then count yourself the luckiest woman on earth. If he has most of them, you still have a guy that is very special. If he has just a couple of these characteristics, then you have a bum who you may want to consider kicking to the curb.

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मुख्य प्रबंधक
Comment by Er. Ganesh Jee "Bagi" on April 18, 2010 at 1:46pm
Bahut badhiya likha hai aapney, koi bhi aurat apaney pati mey yey sary gun pakar sahi mey dhanya samjheygi, Thanks,
Comment by Admin on April 18, 2010 at 8:33am
At first,I welcome your 1st blog in the Open Books Online,there are most important characteristic written by you on the man,A women really feel lucky to find man of that characteristics,
Very very thanks to Sonal singh for this beautiful & interesting blog, I hope you will post more blog at Open books, thanks,
Comment by PREETAM TIWARY(PREET) on April 17, 2010 at 11:56pm
thanks rupal jee for post this blog.....and also waiting for the next....

Preetam Tiwary

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